Vedroziete theGREATlittle

this blog is miniature of my HEART, the book story of my LIFE.

they taught me everything

Destroyer E1:
he always says to me: as a young child you should always be polite older premises.
and he also taught me: tell me what you know but the important thing is know what you're saying.

Destroyer E2: As there was nothing he says to me, like there was no thing that he taught me, but he taught me about the consistency and struggle. 

Destroyer E3: Many said that I was her second. Of course, because I was so familiar with it. He taught me about passion, smile, friendship and loyalty. I love her.

Mr. Indriyanto: He taught me everything, whether it's organization, life, education, and love He taught me toughness in the face of trials of life.
He always said: do the best that you have, whether it was somehow the result is a prudent action.
When he says about love: love is not the same thing uniting the two, but align two different things.

Mr. Arief Rahmawan: though I've known about half a year ago. But many things he taught me. He always reminds me to not always complain. When life is heavy with the temptations that exist, then he will say: life is beautiful.

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