Vedroziete theGREATlittle

this blog is miniature of my HEART, the book story of my LIFE.


I do not know how long the feeling that there is at the heart of this. So many stories we have been through, though only quarrel is quite time consuming. And maybe, since the first time the fight began, the seeds of a sense that has been there. However, none of us are aware of its existence. Pertengakaran was always just on the basis of repeated disappointment, but we never tried to understand why it all happened. Oh ... maybe not us, but I, I who never understood why it happened. As happiness began to be created, and I really want to be on your side, not just by your side but I really want is in the heart of your heart. Again and again I dodged about taste it, taste is created for all beings in the world. Continue to dodge, because one thing I hate feeling it really exists. Heartache ..
The strangest thing I've ever felt, when we open with each other and when the spoken words "I LOVE YOU" middle of our conversation at the time, who knows what it means? friendship, friends, or even more than that. Immediately the sentence was spoken, there is something different vibrating so fast, that seemed to thrill the world. And fine hairs on the skin of this secant stood up and shook in the wind is so strong. 

The difference principle could make you and me again separated. Know I want to be the only yours, only one in your heart. However, you say aloud that I should always be shared with the concubine. I know, nothing that prohibits it even though religion. But, please know I am a woman, and the liver is not likely willingly granted. Maybe you always wonder, why I can not accept it all, while they (the concubines) can accept. This heart will answer, an answer that you never heard before. Because Love is not the same as you love them. I believe love is far greater than their love. 

Although you still hold firm prinsipmu, and me ..? I still maintain a sense of it. I do not know why, but I do not want to get too far from you. This is different than usual. This time I still want to be with and do not want any quarrel that will only divide us. I tried to stay afloat, and I learned to respect your decision, until maybe someday you'll know about my wishes. 

Let you stay with your truth. I just wanted you to hear my confession.
"I do not want to be like them (concubine), because I want to be your queen (your true love)"

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