Vedroziete theGREATlittle

this blog is miniature of my HEART, the book story of my LIFE.

The best option>>> Dani's Blog 18th May 2011

Hi everyone,

These days, many of you have worried about my injury and have left questions about what he planned to do. Finally we decided to have surgery was the best option, and now so has the medical team of doctors and CasaƱas Joaquim Cesar Garcia-Madrid.

The operation went well and doctors have left satisfied with it. Now I have to be patient, because these early days will be quite sore in the area. No deadlines to begin recovery, because we have to watch these days evolved.

At the moment I have to be under observation at the hospital and if everything goes smoothly, tomorrow I will be discharged. Now we must be prudent and not the time to set deadlines. The weather will be marking the evolution that I have these coming days.

Thank you for all the support that you are making me reach this day. You are always there and that gives me strength in difficult times like this.

A hug


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