Vedroziete theGREATlittle

this blog is miniature of my HEART, the book story of my LIFE.

Dani's first article in 2011 in his blog

Recovered and with a solid base

Hello, we meet again here on the blog! Time has passed and I know from Facebook and Twitter you had wanted to read my views on how the season is starting, so I did not want to wait any longer and closer now to tell thee first hand.

As you know, last week we were in Sepang, and my priority was to check how I was physically. The truth is that I already had a good feeling, and felt no pain through exercise, motocross ... but of course until you actually climb on the bike, in a circuit, do not know quite how you are.

It's true that I have yet to get stronger, get more exercise to gain power, volume ... but the feelings were very good. The first day of practice I got on the bike with no expectations, just wanted to see how I was. And all was well, and in fact was among the fastest in front.
The second day I had the previous day's reference to that trust, I do the best time of the day. The bike is also good news. The base is very good, by the end of last season on the Honda RC212V was going really well, and on that basis everything seems to working. Not just for me, and you saw that one of the best times had several Honda.

In the Valencia test last year, we did some initial tests, and helped us get to Sepang with more things to try. In fact, we tried several versions. Options were different from each other but all were very good performance, and that shows that this year we start with a very good solid base.

Now, what plays is to keep working on my recovery, just to gain that extra strength I need, but this is a normal physical labor. And I have really looking forward to the next test, to continue working and making sure that we evolve in the same line.

A greeting to all


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