Vedroziete theGREATlittle

this blog is miniature of my HEART, the book story of my LIFE.

The victory is for you.


First of all I would like to dedicate the victory to all of you yesterday. At're always there in good times and also more complicated. Your support has been essential these days for the forces and ride the bike and ride would be even higher in Portugal, thank you very much. The truth is that the result could not have been better in the first GP run after the operation.

As I told you last week, until they were on the bike and with pace rodase not know how I would be physically. And the truth is that the thing could not have gone better. Although I have had pain on exertion during the race, the feeling was good with respect to which he was before surgery. Clenching played yesterday because the race demanded.

From the beginning Lorenzo threw very hard and I had to shoot very focused to follow. The truth is that as the race progressed the feeling with the bike were better and I found myself more comfortable. To see that my pace was good and that was with possibilities, I decided to go for the victory. I ended up with pain on exertion, but my first win at Estoril deserved.

The team was very happy after the race and they also want to dedicate this win, because they deserve it. They have worked hard to make the bike was my best and together we succeeded. Today I returned to work with the team here in Estoril.

I've only trained in the morning, because I have very sore shoulder and I preferred not to force. Right now I've fired the entire team after eating here in the Hospitality of the Repsol Honda, and now will ride to the airport to return home. We devoted the morning to do some testing on the clutch, but things have been outstanding. But being so, best to ignore doctors and rest, I think we deserve it.

Greetings to everyone!


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