Vedroziete theGREATlittle

this blog is miniature of my HEART, the book story of my LIFE.

Dani Pedrosa>> April 9, 2011>> english translation

A further progress

Hi everyone,

After spending a few days at home recovering forces entered Grand Prix week and you only think of Le Mans. Portugal's career has certainly been an important boost of morale for everyone, but we know that we must continue working hard to continue to progress in the coming races.

On Thursday I'll be in preparing the GP circuit with the team and putting the bike towards the weekend. We have work to do and hopefully over time we observe these days because, as in Estoril, Le Mans also tends to be a very changeable weather. We will be very careful while you do to make the bike.

I have wanted to take away the thorn in recent years in France, where things have not always gone as well as we wanted. The idea is to continue the line we have marked so far and from there to improve the bike on track. The team is doing a great job and I want to continue to return that effort with good careers.

The truth is that victory in Estoril has made us even more motivated to France. Yes, we know that this has only just begun. Ahead is a long championship and we must make every effort to be fighting for first place.

I hope to write on Monday after another good result.

A hug

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