Vedroziete theGREATlittle

this blog is miniature of my HEART, the book story of my LIFE.

Dani Pedrosa 's Blog :Le Mans lies in wait

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Less than four days before we land in France and visit the circuit in Le Mans. We have to get up early on Thursday and then get ready for the fourth GP of the season. Last week has been quite calm. I took advantage of the good weather to get out on my bike to complement my training routine.

I love riding my bike whenever I can as part of my training and this week I was lucky enough to be able to do so. Let`s see what the weather is like in France, because I am sure the temperature will be lower than we have had the last few days.

It was also important to disconnect from racing after two consecutive races and recover my strength for this weekend. Le Mans is a circuit that I like. It is a circuit with a lot of history and the truth is that there is always a great atmosphere over the whole weekend. Let`s see if we are lucky with the weather and fans can enjoy the spectacle over the three days.

This circuit is quite narrow. Different from Jerez and Estoril where we have had the last two races, so it will be very important to find the right set up for the bike, something that will let us have a good qualification session and race. As i said it is quite narrow in general excepting the home straight and the first corner. This means that you have to maintain a high level of concentration at all times if you want to put in a good performance and set fast times.

I`ll be here again next Monday. Regards to you all and thanks for all the messages that you send me on my blog.


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